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Riding the Waves of Life: Lessons from a Seaglass Collector and Entrepreneur

Vicki Holman


Four months ago, I embarked on a life-changing journey to Saipan, a stunning tropical island nestled north of Guam. Little did I know how profoundly my life and perspective would evolve during this relatively short period. Today, I will share my reflections on this transformative experience, drawing inspiration from a beautiful poem by Bernadette Noll. This poem has helped me understand the essence of my journey and how it relates to my entrepreneurial endeavors. The poem starts with:

I want to age like sea glass. Smoothed by tides, not broken. I want the currents of life to toss me around, shake me up and leave me feeling washed clean. I want my hard edges to soften as the years pass—made not weak but supple. I want to ride the waves, go with the flow, feel the impact of the surging tides rolling in and out.
~Bernadette Noll

blue, green white seaglass
Sea glass in Saipan - Metaphor for Life

Embracing the Beauty of Sea Glass:

My fascination with sea glass began a few days after my arrival on this beautiful island. I started collecting these unique treasures along the shore, drawn to their rough and weathered appearance and captivated by their beauty. Much like the poem by Bernadette Noll, I began to see a deeper meaning in sea glass. It symbolized the changes and challenges I've faced in life and on my entrepreneurial path.

Navigating the Entrepreneurial Journey:

My entrepreneurial journey has been challenging. It all began when my husband and I decided to build a dental practice from the ground up. At the time, he had just graduated from dental school, and I had recently received my Bachelor's degree in Finance. From Googling how to handle employee issues to personal mishaps like forgetting to pay my home's water bill, I felt like the tumultuous waves of entrepreneurship constantly tossed me around.

The Interconnectedness of Life:

I've realized that being an entrepreneur, my journey is deeply interconnected with every aspect of life. It's not just about building a business; it's about balancing it with motherhood, marriage, friendships, and the myriad of other challenges life throws our way. As a woman entrepreneur, the expectations are even more remarkable as we juggle multiple roles simultaneously.

Entrepreneur Daily Struggles:

The daily questions plaguing me are relentless: "Am I doing enough for my business? Is it getting too much of my attention? What about my family? Am I striking the right balance? Self-care—what's that?" The constant barrage of decisions and responsibilities leads to decision fatigue. I constantly wonder if I'm doing the right thing, fearing that one of the many balls I juggle will inevitably drop. The tides of struggle tossed me about in the surf, just like the sea glass.

Life, entrepreneur, seaglass
Sea Glass in Saipan - Beauty from adversity

Finding Clarity in Chaos:

Yet, amid this chaos, there are moments when I pause. I take three deep breaths and realize that I am enough. The challenges of the business and the complexities of personal life will always be present. Instead of fighting against the tides, I've learned to ride the waves. Understanding the business patterns and recognizing the seasons in my life has become my compass.

Mastering Priorities:

Spending over a decade in the dental office has taught me to discern what needs immediate attention and what can wait. Now that I've moved on from the dental office and am building my cash flow management practice, discernment continues to be required in my new business and personal life. I've stopped resisting the flow of energy and embraced it. Relationships have taken precedence. Prioritizing the connections that matter most has been my guiding principle, and it has made all the difference.


In these four months on Saipan's shores, I've understood that, much like sea glass, I want to age gracefully—smoothed by life's tides, not broken by its challenges. My entrepreneurial journey continues to be a test of resilience and balance, but I've learned to embrace the waves of life. Nurturing meaningful relationships and knowing when to go with the flow has brought clarity and purpose to my journey. As I collect more sea glass and life experiences, I am grateful for their lessons, helping me become a stronger, more adaptable, and more fulfilled entrepreneur and individual.

Entrepreneur Sunset
Saipan Sunset Cruise

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